Chamber Crusader Beta: Menu and 1 more enemy

Welcome to the fifth instalment in this devlog series! As always, there's the new features and the features to come section, but, I didn't think that was enough so I added a new section which briefly describes problems which I encountered whilst writing my game. Hope you enjoy my game and this new devlog!

New Features

  • A main menu screen
    • Features map sprites designed by me
    • A character select screen
    • A map select screen
  • A main menu theme - new song yay-
  • New enemy type: the skeleton
    • Has more health than a goblin but is slightly slower and does more damage
    • Splits into 4 smaller skeletons on defeat
  • Remastered wall sprites (see uploaded images)
  • Fixed RPG rocket hitting the player glitch 

    Features to come

    • Audio mixing will be fixed, some sounds are too quiet and others are too loud
    • Shotgun audio too loud
    • Sword hit sound too quiet
    • Buffing the ninja
      • The shotgun will receive more ammo
    • Spiders will give ammo
    • Corner blocks will match the color of other walls
    • The color of the room and score texts will be changed to be easier to read
    • New enemy type: The ghost
      • Will chase the player through walls

    Problems Encountered & Solutions

    • goblin colliders being too small which makes them go through walls?  Simply had to make them slightly bigger.
    • unlock notifications showing up when they're not supposed to - the ninja notification shows up at the start of the level when it should only appear at one moment and then disappear forever - fixed by changing a script in an if statement
    • Normal goblins being spawned in the blood zone - had to do with goblins replacing spider enemies in a script which controls how enemies spawn
    • the switch weapons prompt disappearing when the left mouse -  button is clicked. I used if Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) -which checks if the left mouse button has been clicked- instead of Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) -which checks the right mouse button has been clicked which is the correct code. Small things like that can cause problems like that!

    Files 43 MB
    Feb 03, 2024

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