Chamber Crusader: Still in development

You may wonder where I have disappeared and why there hasn't been an update in almost 3 months and I am announcing that I will be pausing development sometime in August to work on other projects after I release these next couple updates. Now that the supposed bad news is out of the way, let's go onto the good news!

I am still working on the game but simply not as quickly as I once did. I got caught up in a lot of personal stuff which I'm not gonna share here but I hope you understand my situation.

If you've been following my youtube channel (linked here: you may have seen me upload some new soundtracks which I am adding to this next version of the game. I hope you took that as a sign that I am still working on the game and haven't abandoned it completely.

I will upload a few gameplay videos to my channel plus a special trailer to really showcase all the new features. I will be releasing two extra large updates to the game in July and August which will have more content than all the updates released up to this point, so expect a lot of that good, new stuff!

Anyway, see you all on the flipside.

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Another note: I will still be working on bug fixes, but I won't be releasing new content for at least two months from August.